Storing Shibboleth IDP Logs in a Database with IP Addresses
Shibboleth’s IDP can store audit logs that indicate when people authenticate against the IDP web application. These files are written to disk by default using the settings in the logging.xml
configuration file. This tutorial will show how audit logs can be placed in a MS SQL database and also include the IP addresses of the connecting clients.
Shibboleth uses the SLF4J, a logging library that is a front end for a variety of backend loggers. By default, it uses logback to handle process audit logs. SLF4J supports a DBAppender. Unlike the RollingFileAppender
, the DBAppender
doesn’t support encoder/Pattern
configuration. It places all logging messages in a standard database schema which can be found in the logback-0.9.28\logback-classic\src\main\java\ch\qos\logback\classic\db\dialect
directory of the logback source code.
Note that in version 0.9.28 of logback, there is a bug in the MS SQL schema where all the event_id
fields have an invalid type of DECIMAL(40)
. These must be changed to DECIMAL(38)
. This tutorial assume the use of an MS SQL database. Other databases will work, but the triggers and schema will need to be adjusted for those dialects accordingly.
In the Shibboleth logging.xml
configuration file, start by adding the following appender:
<appender name="IDP_DB_APPENDER" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.db.DBAppender"> <connectionSource class="ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource"> <dataSource class="com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource"> <driverClass></driverClass> <jdbcUrl>jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=ShibAudit</jdbcUrl> <username>someUsername</username> <password>somePassword</password> </dataSource> </connectionSource> </appender>
Replace the database name, server, usernames and passwords respectively.
For the above example, the BoneCP connectionSource
is used for connection pooling. The BoneCP libraries will be available if uApprove has been installed. Additional configuration options can be specified for tweaking connection counts and partitions within the pool.
An alternative to BoneCP is the c3p0 connection pool library. This library comes with Shibboleth and requires no extra jar files:
<appender name="IDP_DB_APPENDER" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.db.DBAppender"> <connectionSource class="ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource"> <dataSource class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource"> <driverClass></driverClass> <jdbcUrl>jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=ShibAudit</jdbcUrl> <user>someUser</user> <password>somePassword</password> </dataSource> </connectionSource> </appender>
Again, replace the database name, server, usernames and passwords respectively. Next, the new appender needs to be attached to the audit logger:
<logger name="Shibboleth-Audit" level="ALL"> <appender-ref ref="IDP_AUDIT" /> <appender-ref ref="IDP_DB_APPENDER" /> </logger>
At this point, Shibboleth IDP can be restarted and attempts to authenticate with the IDP should result in log entries in the database. Make sure this is working. If not, check the idp-process.log
as well as Tomcat’s cataline.out
log file to determine if there were errors creating the DBAppender
Shibboleth 2.2.1 places its audit logs in a pipe delimited format that can easily be parsed. Rather than let the logger store this long pipe delimited string in our database, it would be beneficial to convert these logs into structure that’s easier to query. Start by creating the following table in the same database the DBAppender
writes to:
CREATE TABLE audit_log ( logtime datetime, remoteAddr VARCHAR(255), requestbinding VARCHAR(100), requestId VARCHAR(50), relayingPartyId VARCHAR(255), messageProfileId VARCHAR(100), assertingPartyId VARCHAR(255), responseBinding VARCHAR(100), responseId VARCHAR(50), principalName VARCHAR(8), authNMethod VARCHAR(100), releasedAttributeIds VARCHAR(255), nameIdentifier VARCHAR(100), assertionIDs VARCHAR(100) );
Now, a trigger will be added to the logging_event
table so that whenever a row is inserted, it will be parsed and placed into the new tables.
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[parseLog] ON [dbo].[logging_event] AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @data VARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @xml XML DECLARE @unixTimestamp datetime --Convert UNIX timestamp, with ms, to mssql datetime SET @unixTimestamp = (SELECT dateadd(ms,CAST(RIGHT(timestmp,3) AS INT),dateadd(ss,CAST(timestmp AS BIGINT)/1000,'01/01/1970')) FROM INSERTED) --Data as XML for easy parsing SET @data = (SELECT formatted_message FROM INSERTED) SET @xml = '<Cols><Col>' + REPLACE(@data,'|','</Col><Col>') + '</Col></Cols>' --Different Tables for different logger types DECLARE @type AS VARCHAR(254) SET @type = (SELECT logger_name FROM INSERTED) IF @type = 'Shibboleth-Audit' BEGIN --Fields to parse DECLARE @requestbinding AS VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @requestId AS VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @relayingPartyId AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @messageProfileId AS VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @assertingPartyId AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @responseBinding AS VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @responseId AS VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @principalName AS VARCHAR(8) DECLARE @authNMethod AS VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @releasedAttributeIds AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @nameIdentifier AS VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @assertionIDs AS VARCHAR(100) --Store the event_id in the IP address. The event_property trigger -- will replace this with the real IP DECLARE @eventId AS DECIMAL(38,0) SET @eventId = (SELECT event_id FROM INSERTED) SELECT @requestBinding = x.d.value('Col[2]', 'VARCHAR(100)'), @requestId = x.d.value('Col[3]', 'VARCHAR(50)'), @relayingPartyId = x.d.value('Col[4]', 'VARCHAR(255)'), @messageProfileId = x.d.value('Col[5]', 'VARCHAR(100)'), @assertingPartyId = x.d.value('Col[6]', 'VARCHAR(255)'), @responseBinding = x.d.value('Col[7]', 'VARCHAR(100)'), @responseId = x.d.value('Col[8]', 'VARCHAR(50)'), @principalName = x.d.value('Col[9]', 'VARCHAR(8)'), @authNMethod = x.d.value('Col[10]', 'VARCHAR(100)'), @releasedAttributeIds = x.d.value('Col[11]', 'VARCHAR(255)'), @nameIdentifier = x.d.value('Col[12]', 'VARCHAR(100)'), @assertionIDs = x.d.value('Col[13]', 'VARCHAR(100)') FROM @xml.nodes('/Cols') x(d) INSERT INTO audit_log (logtime, remoteAddr,requestbinding,requestId,relayingPartyId,messageProfileId,assertingPArtyId, responseBinding,responseId,principalName,authNMethod,releasedAttributeIds, nameIdentifier, assertionIds) VALUES(@unixTimeStamp,@eventId, @requestBinding,@requestId,@relayingPartyId, @messageProfileId,@assertingPartyId,@responseBinding,@responseId,@principalName, @authNMethod,@releasedAttributeIds,@nameIdentifier,@assertionIDs) END END GO
Since MS SQL has no built-in function for splitting fields on a delimiter, the above function replaces the pipe symbols with opening and closing XML tags so that MS SQL’s built-in XPath
engine can be used to parse the field. A conversion must also be done to translate the UNIX timestamp to an MS SQL datetime
type. Finally, the event_id
is used as a placeholder in the field containing the client’s IP address. This is because by default, Shibboleth’s audit logs do not contain IP information. This can be added however using a custom servlet filter with SLF4J.
SLF4J supports a MDC which allows for values to be mapped to a logger for a given thread instance. Since only one thread in a Java servlet container is used per connection at any given time, this can be used to hold items such as the connecting client’s IP address for logging. The DBAppender
inserts these properties in the logging_event_property
table. A custom filter can be written to create these properties, but SLF4J comes with the MDCInsertingServletFilter which injects certain common attributes into the MDC such as user-agent, remote host, query string, etc.
In the idp.war
, add the following filter to the web.xml
<filter> <filter-name>MDCInsertingServletFilter</filter-name> <filter-class> ch.qos.logback.classic.helpers.MDCInsertingServletFilter </filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>MDCInsertingServletFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
The SLF4J documentation recommended adding the MDC as the first filter, but unless attributes are needed for logging within other filters from what the MDC injects, this isn’t always necessary. For the database audit logging, the filter can be placed at the end of the idp.war
‘s web.xml
Finally, a trigger must be added to handle the properties that are inserted, namely the remote IP address, and update the record of the original log entry.
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[setLogIP] ON [dbo].[logging_event_property] AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN IF (SELECT mapped_key FROM INSERTED) = 'req.remoteHost' BEGIN UPDATE audit_log SET remoteAddr = (SELECT mapped_value FROM INSERTED) WHERE remoteAddr = CONVERT(varchar(255),(SELECT event_id FROM INSERTED)) END END GO
The DBAppender
is transaction based, so if any triggers or query statements fail (e.g. if permissions are not setup correctly for the database user), the entire logging transaction will be rolled back and no results will appear in the database table. It is best to implement this is stages, starting with getting the DBAppender
working and then adding the new table and triggers.
Since the standard text based log files do not include an IP address, it is best to include this new attribute in the original files as well. This can be done by modifying the RollingFileAppender
for the audit log. The following example adds the IP address and also sets the rollover for the log file to 1 year (365 days). This should be adjusted to the retention requirements of the institution’s legal department.
<appender name="IDP_AUDIT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> <File>/opt/shibboleth-idp/logs/idp-audit.log</File> <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy"> <FileNamePattern>/opt/shibboleth-idp/logs/idp-audit-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</FileNamePattern> <maxHistory>365</maxHistory> </rollingPolicy> <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder"> <charset>UTF-8</charset> <Pattern>%X{req.remoteHost}|%msg%n</Pattern> </encoder> </appender>
Having audit logs in a database makes it convenient to aggregate Shibboleth authentication requests for reports, as well as retrieve information quickly for legal and security requests. It is recommended to also keep the RollingFileAppender
to use as a backup in case of problems with the database connection.