Biden is the Weakest President to Ever Take Office

Having 25,000 troops in the United States Capitol is not a sign of strength. When Biden was sworn into office, he looked incredibly weak. January 20th was not an inauguration, it was a coronation of a king who has taken the royal throne way past his prime. It had the iconography of a religious gathering, with every attendee’s face covered in literal symbols of fear. Biden is not a president, he is a Pope coming in near the end of his life, to prop up the ceremony of a dying religion, from a dying era. His presence sends a dangerous message to the world: America is corrupt and is working to get its people under control.
Censorship is not a sign of strength. Although the first amendment to the United States Constitution prevents censorship by the government, corporate censorship is legal, and corporate censorship is still censorship. When news networks such as CNN make statements such as, “Those lights that are just shooting out from the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool — it’s like almost extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America,1“ in response to Biden’s coronation ceremony, they are clearly no longer independent reporting networks. There should be no doubt left in the minds of Americans that big news networks, and big technology networks, are nothing short of pure propaganda.
Right now America is a nation of people who have lost their jobs, their businesses and the fruits of a lifetime of hard work. For many, their agency, and even their dignity, has been stripped from them by states who tell them they do not have the right to run their own businesses.
In his very first day in office, Biden’s team has questioned the loyalty of our nation’s National Guard; reserve forces that are literally trained to respond to natural disasters. Within a year, I feel certain some of these guardsmen will be activated to ship off to a war. I would hope that our state governors would not be cowards as our judges and legislators have been. If they are brave, they will say “No.”

A powerful leader doesn’t need to turn the capitol of a democratic nation into a military occupied zone. A strong media that believes in the legitimacy of the election, doesn’t need to constantly bombard its audience with a narrative that claims any dissent is equivalent with disinformation. A powerful congress doesn’t start its term by immediately trying to codify all the questionable practices of the 2020 election into federal law2. A legislative party in the majority, which is confident in their authority, does not immediately demonize all their opposition, or waste time with ridiculous impeachment hearings as its people suffer the worst economic hardship of our century.
America’s current president is the weakest person to take office in my lifetime. Joe Biden is a pathetic frail excuse for a leader. I grew up under Biden, a fickle politician who changed his stance on issues from week to week, presumably depending on which lobby was paying him. Using his presumed authority to sign record numbers of executive orders shows that he intends to rule as a king by decree, and not as a member of a representational democracy. Everything he has done leading up to his coronation shows the absolute corruption of the American government, and our major technology and media firms at every level.
Americans need confidence in their democracy. Instead of building that confidence through openness, transparency and listening to the voices of the American people, both our legislators and media bombard us with Orwellian style headlines, narrative spin in the form of fact checks, and a desire to squash all dissent as either conspiracy theory or misinformation. Time Magazine’s recent brazenly crass article attempts to paint the dangerous influence of Big Tech and Media as some type of virtue. They’re trying to get ahead of any potential blow-back by spinning the narrative that influential leaders fortified the election3. If one reads past the Orwellian doublespeak of the article, the message is clear: big tech oligarchs see America as too stupid or racist to select the right leader.
America is in a constitution crisis. The core values of our nation, our fundamental rights and even our personal agency, have come into question. Bill such as H.R.1274 seek to neuter the 2nd amendment, and H.R.12 has provisions that undercut any hope for fair and free elections. The democratic leadership does not seem to respect either the constitution or our Bill of Rights. They embrace the endless emergency powers that have extended over a year in parts of our country. I do not know where this will lead, but we are in dangerous times.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” -Abraham Lincoln
CNN’s David Chalian Says The National Mall’s Lights Are Like ‘Extensions Of Joe Biden’s Arms Embracing America’. 19 January 2021. Talcott. Daily Caller. ↩
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. 4 Feb 2021. Ball. Time. ↩
H.R.127 - Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act. Introduced 4th Jan 2021. ↩