American Flag with an Ear and Crosshair

I immediately got messages from friends on Saturday following the assassination attempt on Former President Trump. One friend immediately thought that the event was staged. Another said he thought there was a “nonzero” chance it wasn’t staged. One friend has since changed their stance, indicating the simple answer is the most likely. I find it absolutely fascinating that people who have watched a controlled media continually lie to them for the past several years (if not our entire lives) are so willing to believe one of the most outlandishly contrived Hollywood cinema style plots as if it’s 100% genuine. People feel like they have to believe a story, and we’ve been conditioned to believe in heroes and the impossible.


In the 1950s, the CIA started a program called MK Ultra1. Through the use of abuse, torture, trauma, hypnosis, drugs and sleep deprivation2, subjects could be manipulated to carry out commands without memory of what they had done3. Officially, the program ended in the 1970s4, but I doubt the CIA would give up such a valuable tool. The ability to manipulate someone and program them like a machine through horrific techniques would be invaluable in creating suicide bombers and assassins.

Who would climb a roof and stare down the scope of a rifle, determined to kill a former head of state? A lunatic, deranged by the deluge of mainstream media rhetoric? A lone gunman, allowed to set up his rifle on a roof as people at the Trump rally screamed for over two minutes at authorities and police to respond5? I’ve talked to many people who dismiss the idea that the assassin could have been a CIA-programmed shooter with no regard for his own life over his programming. It’s as if people don’t know, or don’t care, that the horrific MK Ultra program was carried out in recent history.

The Scene and the Stage

Trump was talking about immigration before he was shot. He directed his audience to a chart on a screen to his right (their left) and turned his head as he explained it. The last words he says before the chaos was “…and if you really want to see something this sad, take a–”. As the shots rang out, his right ear was facing backstage, away from the cameras6. All the professional photographers behind him were told to move to the front by the Secret Service less than a minute before the shooting occurred7. After the first shots, Trump was surrounded by his security, completely obstructing the world’s view. He emerged with a bloody ear, forced past his security detail, who was trying to fully cover him, yelling the words, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” It was a perfect scene–deeply emotional, like a movie.

If you start to dig, you will not find any professional video from behind the stage. The cellphone video available is all grainy and shaky. The spectators were in a panic, their videos lacking details. If you slow down all the official feeds, Trump hits his ear like a man swatting a mosquito. His words, while under the cover of security, talk of him wanting to put on his shoes. What if these were code words to let the people around him know he was ready? What if that service detail applied blood to his ear, or cut it with a razor, before he emerged for the camera? What if the call to fight was scripted and rehearsed? What if the shooter was programmed by the CIA to shoot wide?

There is graphic footage of a man who attended the rally being taken away after being shot8. If this was an operation, it would mean Trump knew the shooter would aim wide, and harm or kill supporters9.

The Photo of the Bullet

Doug Mills is the photographer who took the now-famous photo of a bullet moments before it hit Trump’s ear. His camera was a Sony ILCE-1 (Alpha 1), shooting at a 1/8000 shutter speed10. The Sony Alpha 1 is a full-framed mirrorless camera that is fast enough to capture images at 30 frames per second11. Although it’s a professional camera with impressive specs, how likely would it be for Mills to be able to capture an image of the bullet while holding down the trigger on his camera for continuous shooting?

Let’s say Mills was shooting at 30 fps with a shutter speed of 1/8000. Assuming a shutter operation speed of 0.000125 seconds, there would be approximately 0.0333 seconds between each frame. If the bullet traveled 27 meters per frame interval, and we assume the perspective window around Trump is 2.7 meters, this would indicate a 1/10th chance of capturing a photo of the bullet in flight12. What’s puzzling is the bullet appears to be traveling 10 inches (25 cm) instead of 4 inches (10 cm), indicating the shutter speed would need to be 1/320001314, nearly three times of the shutter speed Mills says he was using.

Doug Mills has been covering politics since 1983, has photographed presidents for over 40 years, and currently works for The New York Times10. He also captured the famous photo of George W. Bush in front of a classroom of children when the president was told about the 9/11 attacks15.

The photo of the bullet is no more than a streak that could easily be edited in. Mills has a background with both the Associated Press and the New York Times, and he just happened to be in front of two different presidents at iconic moments. Could this photo of the bullet flying towards Trump’s ear be genuine? Possibly. Yet, if anyone was going to be an operative to make this narrative come to life, it would be Mills.

You Have to Believe one of the Conspiracies

Most people in the alternative media seem to only be examining the official narrative. Major media channels state that the shooter was seen carrying a range finder, in the secure area, 30 minutes before the shooting16. I went to the second-to-last Trump rally during the 2020 election cycle in Kenosha, Wisconsin. There were metal detectors and a long list of rules. Press were the only ones allowed in with professional cameras. Many people had signs or other items that had to be dumped in a confiscation piles, or taken back to their cars. It would be impossible to enter that rally with a range finder.

2020 Trump Rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin
2020 Trump Rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin

The official narrative paints one of two pictures: either a massive lapse in security, or an intentional standdown to allow the assassination attempt to occur. There are a few who have asked the alternative: did Trump fake his own assassination attempt617181920?

Taylor Lorenz was the Washington Post reporter who doxxed the woman who runs LibsofTikTok, and then lied about it21. She has condemned “BlueAnon conspiracy theories,” such as “the blood on former president Donald Trump’s ear was from a theatrical gel pack” or that the shooting was a false flag coordinated by the Secret Service in collaboration with Trump22. Tim Pool praised Lorzen for writing this story and embraced the official narrative without questioning any of her motives for writing the article23. If it’s coming from Lorzen or the Washington Post, why should anyone in the alternative media accept this opinion as anything but propaganda?

2020 Trump Rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin
2020 Trump Rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin

No matter which angle you take on the assassination, there are so many holes and bizarre parts of this story that you will look like a deranged conspiracy theorist to someone else. The entire event seems to be accomplishing a specific purpose: further fracturing the American mind.

The Hero

Back in March, a man named Brandon Biggs prophesied that Trump would have an assassination attempt where a bullet came close to his ear, he would then come closer to God, and his presidency would be met with a financial crisis24. Many people see Trump’s survival as being draped in divine intervention. Hollywood has conditioned us to accept people casually being grazed in movies. The comedian Kam Patterson joked that after going to prison and getting shot, Trump is “officially black now25.” The image of Trump breaking free of his security detail to tell his worshipers to “Fight! Fight! Fight!” has taken on an almost Biblical image in the minds of many Americans.

People who have watched for years as major players in media have constantly lied to everyone in our country and the world, are suddenly trusting the media with this one narrative. People want to believe so much in the Orange Man hero that they’re willing to accept a narrative from a storytelling industry that does not deserve, and has never deserved, their faith.


J.D. Vance, the Discount Hillbilly, is an odd presidential pick. Kari Lake seemed like she was trying to make a vice presidential bid, as did Vivek Ramaswamy. Vance feels like someone that has been imposed on Trump. The supporters, who lost their lives for simply being at a Trump rally, may have been blood sacrifices in an elite ritual.


In 2023, Rick Wilson said on MSNBC, that “They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump2627.” The day before Trump was allegedly shot, Biden stated, “Most importantly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation28.”

During a Tenacious D concert, one of Jack Black’s band members made the birthday wish, “Don’t miss Trump next time2930”. A protestor in a rainbow-colored mask outside the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee told a reporter, “It’s a shame the shooter missed3132.” Forbes published an article titled Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal to Black Voters, which has already been taken down3334.

It should not be a surprise all of those on the far left, who have such hatred for conservatives and Trump, seem to be disappointed the shooter missed his target. In recent years, the left has blatantly reveled in the deaths of their ideological enemies. The story of the assassination attempt has not calmed anyone down. It has only increased division, animosity and calls for radical violence. If this is a psychological operation, then this was surely one of the goals.

The Debate

Immediately following the recent presidential debate between Biden and Trump, the mainstream media released a barrage of statements stating Biden was not fit for office. However, anyone who actually watches Biden, and doesn’t just read the headlines, knows his state of cognitive decline. There was literally no difference in Biden’s mental state in the debate compared to his abilities for the past three years. Anyone who thinks this was a sudden and awakening decline is a person who only believes what their favorite news sources say about events without analyzing the events themselves.

So why did so many news anchors and pundits suddenly turn on Biden when nothing of substance has changed? Tom Freedman (New York Times), Jeffrey Sachs (political economist), Sheryl Sandberg (former COO at Meta, VP Sales at Google, and founder of LeanIn), David Sanger (New York Times), David Saperstein (US Ambassador), and Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)35. The CFR has a very large number of journalists and media personalities on its roster, and many of them have simultaneously turned on Biden36. Even George Clooney, who published an opinion piece in The New York Times stating he has lost confidence in Biden37, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations38. It’s hardly a stretch to think the CFR wants Biden gone and is directing all its members to throw him under the bus.

Betting on the Orange Man

I’ve never been a huge fan of voting in elections. Statistically, voting doesn’t make a difference on government policies. In 2017, the anger over the election led a group of four black teenagers to kidnap and torture a mentally handicapped white man for two days. The media was filled with all Trump, all the time, increasing the 24/7 hate over a man who, at the time, I considered marginally different from any other president in my lifetime.

I had been planning to write a very different article before the shooting. The working title was, The Case for the Orange Man. I was going to mention how Trump would call the families of solders who had fallen under his watch39, and how he was the first president in my lifetime to not start a new war. I was going to break down the lies the media had been propagating about Trump; the lies about how he called all Mexicans rapists40, or that he defended Neo-Nazis, calling them “very fine people41.” His so-called “Muslim ban” was made possible due to the Obama administration42, and could have protected tech workers who are facing waves of layoffs43, and replacement from foreign H-1B workers44.

However, the very bizarre assassination attempt has clear elements of psychological manipulation, and it seems very likely Trump was aware and prepared for the event. In light of this, it’s important to remember that he is still pushing some of the least tested preventative drugs in modern regulatory history. His promises to “drain the swamp” only replaced the swamp with other horrible creatures, and his COVID policies were an absolute failure. Despite his promise to Vivek Ramaswamy45, I have zero confidence in Trump’s commitment to not allow Central Bank Digital Currencies46 (CBDCs).

“…Trump will stop CBDC in the exact way that he stopped the whole scamdemic lockdowns and vax- oh, no wait. He pushed them harder than anyone, and the best thing he ever did was Operation Warp Speed … right into everyone’s arms … he not only doesn’t regret that. He still thinks of it as the greatest accomplishment of his first term. He is not your savior. He is not going to protect you from CBDC…“ -James Corbett interview on Reality Check Radio46

Final Thoughts

It will not matter if people vote, because Trump’s installation is already a foregone conclusion. We do not elect leaders in America, we select one of two puppets. After the barrage of conflicting narratives over the recent assassination story, I am leaning heavily towards the opinion that this was a staged event. If true, it would mean that Trump rehearsed for his greatest acting role of all time, but also that he let innocent supporters get sacrificed in a blood ritual to fuel his ascension.

  1. The Minds of Men (2018). Documentary. 

  2. Song of Freedom: My Journey from the Abyss. Moore. 2003. Mirror 

  3. The Official Narrative. Episode 9: MKULTRA. Soph. 25 July 2021 Archive 

  4. Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. 3 August 1997. US Government. 

  5. Weird Things About the Trump Shooting. Watson. 15 July 2024. 

  6. Was Trump Assassination Attempt A HOAX? Analyzing The Likelihood Of Stage MAGIC At The MAGA Rally. 14 July 2024. TimTruth.  2

  7. Secret Service MOVE Photographers Into Place RIGHT BEFORE Shots Fired: Clearing The Problem Angles. 17 July 2024. TimTruth. 

  8. Grafic Suppressed Video from Trump Rally , Corey Comperatore. 15 July 2024. Swettyspaghtti. 

  9. Fake assassination attempt. Trump is the deep state candidate now…. 15 July 2024. Jarek. kunstler (comment) 

  10. Doug Mills, a veteran photographer for The New York Times, was only feet away from Donald Trump when the shooting started at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday…. 14 July 2024. New York Times. TikTok.  2

  11. Alpha 1 - Full-frame Interchangeable Lens Camera 50.1MP, 30FPS, 4K/120p/8K/30p. Sony. Retrieved 17 July 2024. 

  12. 30fps with the 1/8000S setting would be about 0.0332 seconds…. 16 July 2024. @EvolLove. No Authority Social. Archive 

  13. What has me puzzled is why the bullet looks like it is traveling 10” instead of 4”. 16 July 2024. @EvolLove. No Authority Social. 

  14. accorsing to the article: In a video published by the newspaper. 14 July 2024. @osc3r. Gleasonator mirror 

  15. C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb to interview news photography legend Doug Mills. 25 March 2019. Neubert. Doebele. Purdue. 

  16. This is Getting Ridiculous. 17 July 2024. Paul Joseph Watson 


  18. Trump***** 2024: The Dog Returns to His Vomit. 16 July 2024. Common Filth. 

  19. Fake Shooting of Jew Trump in Butler, PA.. 17 July 2024. Sandra. @Lateralus1. Gab. 

  20. I’m Going to Sleep for Like 15 Hours and Then Quadruple Down on “Aim for the Ear” Theory. 14 July 2024. Anglin. Daily Stormer. 

  21. Libs Of TikTok Explains How Taylor Lorenz Doxed Her & Then Lied About It. 3 Jan 2023. Timcast IRL. 

  22. ‘BlueAnon’ conspiracy theories flood social media after Trump rally shooting. 14 July 2024. Lorenz. The Washington Post. 

  23. Liberals Claim TRUMP STAGED Assassination Attempt, Media Calls it BLUE ANON Conspiracy. 15 July 2024. Timcast. 

  24. 3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES - APRIL8 SIGN - Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs Cioccolanti. 14 March 2024. Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries 

  25. I wasn’t gon vote this year but I will be now 🤣 14 August 2024. kamsoofunny1. Tiktok 

  26. All the violent rhetoric comes from the anti-Trump side. Don’t tell us to lower the temperature. You control the temperature dial and you turned it up to max.. 13 July 2024. @mirandeadevine. X. 

  27. 🚨Flashback to Lincoln Project cofounder Rick Wilson in 2023. @RealMacReport. 13 July 2024. X. 

  28. Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event - Detroit, MI. 12 July 2024. The White House. 

  29. He Let His Hatred For Donald Trump Destroy His Own Career. 16 July 2024. 2lazy2try. 

  30. Jack Black ends Tenacious D tour after bandmate’s Trump shooting comment. 16 July 2024. Sherman. AP. 

  31. Far leftist protester with a crossbow outside the RNC in Milwaukee on the Trump assassination attempt says “it’s a shame the person missed”. 15 July 2024. @TimcastNews. 

  32. “It’s a shame the person [sh**ter] missed”. 16 July 2024. @libsoftiktok. X. 

  33. Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters?. 14 July 2024. Harper. Forbes. (Deleted / Archive). 

  34. Mainstream media is officially cooked... 14 July 2024. Asmongold Clips. 

  35. Council on Foreign Relations Roster. Retrieved 17 July 2024. 

  36. 1674: We’re Working!. 4 July 2024. No Agenda (podcast). (6m:50s) 

  37. George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee. 10 July 2024. Clooney. The New York Times. 

  38. George Clooney Joins Council on Foreign Relations. 25 April 2017. Daily Beast. 

  39. How Donald Trump has comforted the families of 43 fallen soldiers. 19 October 2017. Associated Press. PBS News. 

  40. Trump just referred to one of his most infamous campaign comments: calling Mexicans ‘rapists’. 8 August 2016. Fiske. Politifact. 

  41. No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists ‘Very Fine People’. 21 June 2024. PerryCook. Snopes. 

  42. Obama’s administration made the “Muslim ban” possible and the media won’t tell you. 28 January 2017. Frantzman. 

  43. Tech Talent Is Flooding the Job Market. 22 November 2022. Govindarajan. Srivastava. Harvard Business Review. 

  44. Disney sued for replacing American workers with foreigners. 26 January 2016. O’Brien. CNN. 

  45. Trump ‘will never allow’ CBDC, gives ‘full credit’ to Vivek Ramaswamy. 23 January 2024. Attlee. Cointelegraph. 

  46. Interview 1887 – James Corbett Predicts the CBDC Rollout on Reality Check Radio. 20 June 2024. Corbett Report. Mirror (37m:40s)  2