Free Speech, Fires and Terrorism

A lot of major events, disruptions and tragedies are flooding in with 2025. I’ve already talked about the numerous new year’s events, as well as the continued narrative of vigilantism carried over from the previous year. In just a few short weeks, a lot has been added to the bizarre outrage frenzy of the new quarter-century. Elon Musk has shown his true colors with the censorship on Xitter over H1-B visa arguments. Meanwhile, people are actually believing the insane nonsense Zuckerberg is spewing about how Facebook will now reduce censorship. Los Angeles has had a devastating fire that’s destroyed thousands of homes and lives—a disaster that is only made worse by political exploitation of the entire situation. All of this domestic news overshadows the ongoing conflict in much of the Middle East, which threatens to spill over into the rest of the world. We’re not even through January.
Free Speech on Platforms Websites
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy came under heavy criticism last year for their statements on expanding the United States H1-B program1. Elon went as far as to criticize anyone who opposed his viewpoint with his typical “fuck yourself” insults2. He went on to call those who opposed his immigration policy3 “subtards4” and “hateful, unrepentant, racists5.” It would be one thing if this was just a series of insults and Internet fights.
However, things quickly escalated and Elon actively censored people who raised legitimate concerns against his policy suggestions. Even low-tier regular users had their posts moderated in real time6. Very quickly, every main stream source tried to walk back the story, stating that Elon Musk wasn’t censoring people, but just removing paid features or monetization7.
Elon Musk engaged in censorship. The savior of free speech used his dictatorial powers to limit people who disagreed with him, exactly like YouTube. Meanwhile, whistler-blowers are alleging Microsoft has been engaged in anti-white racist hiring practices8 for over a decade9. Tech companies have clearly been replacing Americans with H1-B and PERM workers10.
Does Elon do any actual work? Is work playing video games and posting things on Xitter for every waking hour of the day11? He’s even been recently accused of paying someone else to play and level up his account on an multiplayer game12. After the accusation, Musk unfollowed the streamer13, posted several of his private messages14 and removed the man’s blue checkbox15. So it’s not enough for Elon Musk to irresponsibly wield his newly purchased powers to censor those who disagree with his politics. It’s not enough that he interjects himself into British politics by asking King Charles to dissolve parliament16. He must be the ultimate irresponsible child by removing the blue check of a gaming and pop culture streamer because he was called out for cheating on his video game stats!
Musk has been telling people they need to be trapped in the cube for years17, but he’s also advocating for a policy that puts his monetary interests above the future of American citizens. The world’s wealthiest defense contractor, whose cars will never drive themselves, wants to hire cheaper H1-B immigrant labor so they’ll work his 80-hour work weeks18 with minimal complaints. When people point this out, he uses his power to censor them, and immediately runs media damage control.
Zuckerberg’s Rebrand
Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg released a video stating changes he’s going to make on Facebook to allow “free expression19.” Some people are upset20 that Meta’s new policies allow for calling transgenders “mentally ill21.” He went onto Joe Rogan’s show with his rebranding propaganda, claiming Biden’s administration harassed his staff to censor content covering COVID injections22.
“I was like SCREW YOU GOVERNMENT, YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. But then I did do what they told me to do. And then I mandated everyone at my company get the shot. And then I donated $400 million dollars to help get Biden elected. But rest assured, the whole time I was doing it out of protest!” -Five Times August23
DARPA had a project called LifeLog, which was intended to be a means to digitally track every aspect of a person’s life, including their phone calls and personal details24. It was shut down the day before Facebook was started. Former employees at Facebook have claimed the company always had bulk data collection and shared that information with government entities25. One of its founding investors was Peter Thiel, who served on Facebook/Meta’s board of directors from 2005 until 202226. Peter Thiel’s company, Palantir, provides domestic spy software to the US and other governments, and has deep connections to startups and US intelligence27.
I don’t understand anyone who would believe or trust Zuckerberg’s statement on free speech. Facebook will not cut any of its strong ties with governments or intelligence agencies, and his recent video appearances look like straight-up propaganda, damage control, lies or a combination of all three. I deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts years ago, and neither Musk nor this statement makes me regret either of those decisions.
Two Years Earlier in Lahaina
In August 2023, fires broke out on the island of Maui in Hawaii. In the town of Lahaina, all roads leading away from the fire were blocked off28. Residents reported that beyond those blocks, the roads were empty29. Jesse G. Wald, on his real estate channel, posted a video walking around the areas that were affected by the fire. He documented several areas where cars were melted and structures burned to the ground, juxtaposed to houses that were untouched and cars with minor damage30.

The police commissioner in Maui was John Pelletier, a man who was the incident commander for the Las Vegas shooting31. He immediately faced complaints about “harassment” and “hostile working conditions” following his handling of the fires32. The German version of RT ran an article claiming eyewitness accounts of the fire suggest the use of energy weapons, asking if the destruction was intentional in order to build 15-minute cities33. The entirety of the events of Lahaina were deeply suspicious, from the inaccurate body counts to the denial of insurance claims34. Many of the videos I’ve saved from people who lived there have been taken down or made private, essentially disappearing them from Internet search engines.
Today in Los Angeles
Devastating fires broke out in Los Angeles this month, and fire hydrants ran dry due to the demand35. Trump blamed the Biden Administration and FEMA36, as well as Governor Gavin Newsom37, for not signing a “water restoration act38.” The Guardian blamed climate change for the unprecedented destruction39. My sister sent me the following photo from one of her University friends who moved to Altadena. His family and pets all made it out, thankfully, but his home was destroyed. While news pundits blame the government or the weather, real people will be spending the next few months to years rebuilding their lives while learning a painful lesson in impermanence.

In a podcast from July 2024, Joe Rogan claimed a fireman told him one day, with the right wind conditions, a fire would burn through L.A. and there would be nothing they could do about it40. However, forest fires of this type are not common in California winters41. The high cost of insurance in California has led many homeowners to cancel their policies or use the state insurer FAIR, which may not have the funds to pay off the tremendous damage42. The insurance situation, the high winds and the three different starting locations are three factors that are shockingly similar between the Maui and Los Angeles fires43.
North Carolina
The events in California are coming upon the heels of Hurricane Helene in the Southeast US. With the focus shifting, people are desperately asking FEMA to extend expiring hotel vouchers to those in North Carolina who have lost their homes and are trying to survive the winter44. The hurricane damage in this region was absolutely devastating, and could also cause long-term ecological damage. Nuclear Fuel Services in Tennessee was given a multi-million dollar contract to convert weapons-grade nuclear waste in 202145. Their primary facility, filled with nuclear material, was right next to the Nolichucky River. The media immediately, and quite suspiciously, told the public all the nuclear material at this facility was safe46. Barrels with warnings about carrying radioactive materials were found in the river, but the media quickly ran stories about how such barrels didn’t contain any nuclear material at the time, even though they did belong to nuclear faculties and once had nuclear materials47.
A number of factories, chemical and plastic companies were also damaged or destroyed in the floodwaters. Reports from volunteers indicate much of the mud and debris was likely very toxic, as cadaver dogs and horses were getting ill and dying within days of working in the area48. The Madison County Chamber of Commerce released a statement warning about how the mud had “an abundance of solvents or caustic chemicals is eating peoples clothes[sic]” leading to “chemical burns49.”
FEMA staff in the area were the epitome of ineffective, useless government workers. One of their stations was set up far from the main road, without any signs, without any helpful advice and whose workers kept short hours and drove home every night during a time when there was desperate need50. FEMA’s response was delayed, barely visible and mostly ineffective51. The public trust of the agency did not improve weeks later, as whistle-blowers claimed FEMA employees were told to intentionally bypass the homes of Trump supporters while surveying damage in Florida during Hurricane Milton5253.
The people in the areas affected by the hurricane must surely feel abandoned. Many are still without homes or are trying to scrape together what’s left of their lives. All military and national guard troops pulled out from the affected areas last November, and many people are sleeping in tents near their destroyed homes due to fears that if they abandon their property, their land will be taken from them54.
The Americans devastated by natural distaste in North Carolina will be forgotten as the focus shifts to California, just as the people of East Palestine, Ohio, were forgotten about by the time of Hurricane Helene. For those who don’t remember, when a train derailed in East Palestine, instead of proper waste containment and disposal, the railroad burned massive amounts of horrifically toxic material that created a massive black cloud and devastated the entire area55. A reporter was arrested for trying to cover the press conference56.
Some of the residents of East Palestine were extras in the movie White Noise. It was filmed in the area, and one of the central plot points is a train crash resulting in a massive toxic black cloud that looks uncannily and eerily like the events that unfolded in reality57. The movie itself has a bizarre obsession with death and portrays the supermarket as a holy temple and synchronized dance studio. While some might view this film and the disaster as a coincidence, the film could also be seen as an intentional act of predictive programming12.
A Series of Disasters
American towns and cities have been hit by a series of unusual disasters. Every media pundit blames a combination of climate change, Biden and Trump. The response by federal and local governments has always been a mixture of confusing and incompetent. While leaders argue about whom to blame, Americans are fighting to supply each other aid and support as insurance institutions fight to deny claims. Governments that citizens pay hard-earned taxes into have completely failed to provide the most basic disaster relief while also shipping billions of American dollars to Ukraine. I can only view the failure of leaders in these instances as intentional. I suspect the flow of relief aid and money in some parts of the country, and not others, will build animosity between Americans.
I previously covered the terrorism events at the dawn of the 2025 New Year. The Las Vegas Cybertruck bombing has only gotten weirder, with identifying passports that survive explosions, alleged e-mails from the bomber stating the spy drones were Chinese, and law enforcement officers able to pull manifestos from a phone that should have melted in the fire58. Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham is using the attacks in New Orleans as a means to prepare Americans for a new war on terrorism59.
Everything we’re seeing in the news today reminds me heavily of George W. Bush’s lead-up to the birth of unending wars in the Middle East. The narrative of terrorism has reentered the public discourse, pushed into the minds of Americans by high-profile New Year’s attacks. With the fall of Syria’s government causing the largest shift in power in that region in decades, it seems as if the media is preparing for another era of neoconservative warmongering.
It’s Only Tuesday
Joe Rogan is becoming a larger mouthpiece for big media narratives. His show might be a part of the predictive programming over the L.A. fires, and he’s allowed Zuckerberg to propagandize his rebranding to Rogan’s audience. There is so much contradictory information being floated around by large media sources that it seems like intelligence agencies are using the mainstream or big independent media to guide a narrative to those who are inherently skeptical.
The moral divide over the CEO shooter has only exacerbated with the fires. A college professor walked back statements of how the destruction of an actor’s house was “karma” because he was a Trump supporter60. It’s horrific that some people chose to celebrate the deaths of those they disagree with.
The Romanian presidential elections, which were voided by their courts, aren’t due to be rerun until this May61. Meanwhile, Fox’s Jesse Watters calls for a “Full federal takeover” and that “martial law might have to be declared62,” in response to the L.A. fires. This is an absolutely deranged and maddening statement, intended for a conservative audience, to plant the idea that the federal government should usurp a state’s rights in these types of disasters. Authoritarianism is growing in the world. Leaders in western, democratic countries have become even more emboldened in their abuse of power over their constituents.
This has been an absolutely insane start to a new year. The media narratives, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks have bombarded the fragile minds of most Americans only days before the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States. After Trump’s staged ear-piercing event, I lost all confidence in the incoming administration. My only hope is that the political prisoners of January 6th are pardoned.
Although Trump did not start a new war on his previous watch, I do not think we’ll see a repeat in the coming years. The Biden administration was the weakest to ever take office. In the wake of all the recent chaos and disasters, the ground is fertile for increasing government intervention as the solutions to the problems it literally just caused. It’s only January, and we are certainly in for a bumpy ride.
Musk and Ramaswamy weigh in and defend hiring foreign engineers in Silicon Valley. 26 December 2024. Severi. Just the News. ↩
The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people…. 27 December 2024. @elonmusk. ↩
My tolerance for S. Africans who escaped genocide only to come here and advocate for the same policies that led to genocide in SA while capitalizing on illegal immigrants and government subsidies is lower i bet shitbird.. 27 December 2024. @TheOGBender. ↩
My tolerance for subtards is limited. 26 December 2024. @elonmusk. ↩
Elon Musk Says “Hateful, Unrepentant Racists” Should Be Removed from the Republican Party “Root and Stem” as Debate Over H-1B Visas Intensifies. 28 December 2024. Hoft. Gateway Pundit. ↩
Well I tried, but Elon Musk is an American-hating double-plus-ungood South-African-Canadian … who hates free speech, so it deletes the post as soon as I make it.. 26 December 2024. ↩
Elon Musk accused of censoring conservatives on X who disagree with him about immigration. 27 December 2024. Imgram. NBC News ↩
I was told, “I’d love to hire you, but, unfortunately, you’re a white male.” at Microsoft….. 29 December 2024. @levithomason7. ↩
Employees Speak Out: Google, Apple, Microsoft, & Intel Discriminate Against White Men. 1 Jan 2025. The Lunduke Journal. mirror ↩
The backstory on H1B-gate. 27 December 2024. Schutt. Substack. ↩
Based Elon Gifts America Infinity Indians. 27 December 2024. Thetdc. Daily Rake. ↩
Ohio, White Noise, and the Power of Words over Things. 15 March, 2023. Truthstream Media. ↩ ↩2
WHAT THE F*CK ELON MUSK. 16 January 2025. Asmongold Clips. ↩
Elon Musk Has Lost It... 15 January 2025. Asmongold Clips. ↩
Elon Musk leaks Amsongold DMs after unfollowing streamer over POE 2 boosting drama. Bennett. 16 January 2025. Dexerto. ↩
Elon Musk calls on King Charles to order a new General Election - as pressure mounts on Keir Starmer over grooming gangs inquiry. 3 January. Wilcock. DailyMail. ↩
Tesla CEO Elon Musk: ‘The laptop class is living in la-la land’ over work-from-home. 16 May 2023, CNBC Television. ↩
Elon Musk told Twitter staff to expect 80-hour work weeks and fewer office perks, report says. 11 November 2022. Syme. Business Insider. ↩
It’s time to get back to our roots around free expression. We’re replacing fact checkers with Community Notes, simplifying our policies and focusing on reducing mistakes. Looking forward to this next chapter.. 7 January 2025. Zuckerberg. Facebook. ↩
JUST IN: Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta now allows its billions of users to accuse transgenders and gay people of being “mentally ill.”. 8 Januarry 2025. @BRICSinfo. ↩
Meta’s new hate speech guidelines permit users to say LGBTQ people are mentally ill. 7 January 2025. Lavietes. NBC News. ↩
HOLY SHLIT. Mark Zuckerberg says the Biden admin called his employees and “screamed and cursed” at them to take down Covid/vaccine content. 10 January 2025. @libsoftiktok. ↩
“I was like SCREW YOU GOVERNMENT, YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. But then I did do what they told me to do…. 12 January 2025. @FiveTimesAugust. ↩
Pentagon Kills LifeLog Project. 4 Feburary 2004. Staff. Wired. ↩
Facebook Insider Confesses All. 13 June 2019. Anonymous Patriots. American Intelligence Media. Archive ↩
Peter Thiel to Retire from Meta Board of Directors at 2022 Annual Shareholder Meeting. 7 Feburary 2022. Meta Investor Relations. ↩
The Thiel-Verse with Stavroula Pabst. 24 July 2024. Unlimited Hangout. ↩
Survivor Story of Escape from Lahaina Maui Fire 🔥. 24 August 2023. Hawaii Real Estate. interview clip / partial mirror. 24 August 2023. Tim Truth. ↩
BLOCKADED IN: Maui Police Accused Of Blocking Exits By Faking Downed Power Lines - Reports Pile Up. 20 August 2023. Tim Truth. ↩
Lahaina FIRE - Inside the RESTRICTED Area - The MIRACLE Neighborhood that Survived !!!. 29 August 2023. Jesse G. Wald. (8m:41s) ↩
No stranger to tragedy, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier led response to 2017 Vegas massacre. 15 August 2023. Santucci. USA Today. ↩
Maui Police Commission reviews complaints against chief and executive staff. 18 August 2022. Osher. MauiNow. ↩
Wurde Maui für die Errichtung einer Smart-City-Insel mutwillig zerstört? (Was Maui deliberately destroyed for the construction of a Smart City island?). 18 August 2023. Uhr. RT (de) ↩
Revisiting The Lahaina, Maui Coverup with Shelby Hosana – #BurnBackBetter. 12 November 2023. Cristián. Hosana. The Last American Vagabond. ↩
Fire hydrants ran dry as Pacific Palisades burned. L.A. city officials blame ‘tremendous demand’. 8 January 2025. Hamilton. Zahniser. The Los Angeles Times. ↩
Trump blames Biden and Gov. Newsom for Los Angeles wildfires. 9 January 2025. CNN. ↩
Week in politics: Trump blames Gavin Newsom for wildfires, sentenced in hush money trial. 11 January 2025. Simon. Elving. NPR. ↩
Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California…. 8 January 2025. @realDonaldTrump. Truth Social. ↩
The Los Angeles wildfires are climate disasters compounded. 9 January 2025. Holthaus. The Guardian. ↩
Hollywood wildfires unfold exactly as Joe Rogan predicted 6 MONTHS AGO after speaking with local firefighter. 9 January 2025. @Breaking911 ↩
It’s not the typical time for nasty California fires. What changed?. 9 January 2025. Borenstein. NBC New York. ↩
California Fires Expose a $1 Trillion Hole in US Home Insurance. 8 January 2025. Gongloff. Bloomberg. Archive ↩
California Wildfires vs. Maui Wildfires. 13 January 2025. Jesse G. Wald. ↩
$57.5 million weapons-grade uranium contract given to Erwin facility as Y-12 continues modernization work. 5 March, 2021. WBIB Staff. NBC 10 News. ↩
East Tennessee plant that processes radioactive nuclear fuel ‘safe’ after Helene floods. 30 September 2024. Dassow. Knoxville News Sentinel. ↩
No, this barrel reportedly found in an Asheville river did not contain radioactive waste. 10 September 2024. Crabtree. Barclay. WBIB-TV Knoxville. MSN. ↩
North Carolina Helene Atrocities w/ Billy Bond. 18 October 2024. Bear Independent. (6m:17s) ↩
Area News and Resources 10-4-2024. 4 September 2024. Madison County Chamber of Commerce. Archive ↩
.@CoryMillsFL and I spoke with the ONLY FEMA crew we could find in Asheville, North Carolina. It was stationed OFF the main road where NO Hurricane Helene victims could easily see them…. 4 October 2024. @glennbeck ↩
What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 1). 4 October 2024. Truthstream Media. ↩
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs. 8 November 2024. Le Mahieu. The Daily Wire ↩
FEMA ORDERED To Ignore Trump Supporters After Hurricane Milton, SHOCKING Story. 9 November 2024. Timcast IRL. ↩
No more military help for storm-ravaged North Carolina amid reports of people living in tents. 26 November 2024. Baker. Hanneman. The Blaze. ↩
Ohio right now - That’s a giant cloud of polyvinyl chloride and a ton of other bad chemicals…. 10 February 2013. @FalconryFinance. Threadreader Mirror ↩
Reporter arrested during news event on Ohio train derailment. 9 Feburary 2023. AP. ↩
After a train derailment, Ohio residents are living the plot of a movie they helped make. 21 February 2023. Goodman. Russell. ↩
The Trump cybertruck bombing is turning out to be a craaaazy psyop.. 4 January 2025. @IanCarrollShow ↩
Lindsey Graham Says New Orleans Terror Attack Means US Must Start New Wars in Middle East. 16 January 2025. Dmitry. The People’s Voice. ↩
Professor walks back calling it ‘karma’ after Trump-supporting actor loses home in LA wildfires. 8 January 2025. Temaat. The College Fix. ↩
Romanian Presidential Elections Will Be Held AGAIN on May 4th – Globalist Establishment Desperate That Right-Wing Georgescu Still Has the Support of 40% of the Voters. 9 January 2025. Serran. The Gateway Pundit. ↩
Fox’s Jesse Watters Calls for ‘Full Federal Takeover’ of Los Angeles, Complete With ‘Martial Law’. 10 January 2025. Jones. Mediaite. ↩