Democrat and Republican Mascots with Tops and Bottoms Exchanged

In 2016, I had returned to America after several years outside the country. I did an amazing job of avoiding most, but not all the election season. I didn’t see any meaningful difference between either candidate. Hillary Clinton was evil and corrupt1, and her name is associated with a “two to the back of the head” suicide2. I joked with a friend that I hoped Trump won, just so that people on the left would finally get angry about endless wars again. I don’t think I was quite prepared for the absolute media fueled-hatred of those who opposed the Orange Man, nor was I prepared for those who saw Trump as America’s only hope. In the years since that election, I found myself on a journey, both across America and through an insane political landscape.


When I lived in New Zealand, I attended a protest against the Trans Pacific Partnership3 (TPP). People were concerned this massive trade agreement treaty would interfere with New Zealand’s laws, increase the cost of medicines, and undermine the country’s resource management4. Most of the people I knew who attended such protests, I would consider to be left-leaning progressives. In America, I had friends who had never even heard of the TPP before. Suddenly, they were for it just because Donald Trump was against it! The only time the American news media seemed to praise Trump was when he fired missiles into Syria. Brian Williams, on MSNBC, even referred to these missiles as “beautiful pictures of fearful armaments,” and was moved to quote Leonard Cohen56.

“…we’re made to think that as long as we get the right person in the office of the presidency it’s going to fix everything. That’s not how this stuff works … I mean, that’s a pipe dream … I don’t think Trump can deliver on that because of how he was the first time, and we should definitely look just as much at a politician’s actions … as their rhetoric, if not more so, their actions … for example Trump comes into office the first time. He makes this ‘strategy and policy forum,’ I think it was called, of basically the people that are going to … develop the North Star policies of his administration. It’s Larry Fink. It’s Jamie Diamond. It’s like all those guys … Trump, when COVID started, who did he call right away to ask him what to do in times of crisis? He called Larry Fink. If that’s going to be your go-to guy when shit hits the fan, that’s a problem because what Larry Fink thinks of when there is a crisis is, ‘How can I profit from this crisis?’…“ -Whitney Webb7

The Staged Assassination Attempt

In July of this year, I wrote about why I believe the first Trump assassination attempt was staged. My views on this have not changed at all, and I will die on this hill. I have not investigated the second alleged assassination attempt because I really don’t care at this point.

What’s truly disgusting are people on the right, who have been fighting for the freedom to speak and against cancel culture, suddenly decided to use the insane tactics of the culture war in a heated emotional time following an assassination attempt they believed to be genuine. This includes Libs of TikTok getting minimum wage workers at Home Dept fired for Facebook posts8, and behaving in the exact same way as the people they previously criticized9.

Dogs and Cats

At the presidential debate between Trump and Harris, Trump uttered the iconic phrase, “They’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats.” It was in reference to Haitian immigrants, and it’s a phrase that’s been memed into oblivion10. The idea of Haitian immigrants eating cats seems to originate from a video taken by a police body camera where an officer asks a woman if she was eating a cat11. There’s no evidence this woman was Haitian, and the incident could have simply been drug-related12. Independent reporters who visited Springfield were told by some local residents the immigrants were eating animals, however most claimed they had seen it on social media, and there seems to be little video evidence13. There is the one famous video of a cat on a grill, but it appears to be from the prior year and from Dayton, Ohio1415.

It is quite arbitrary which animals we eat and which we keep as pets. If immigrants are eating local wildlife, it’s more of a hunting license issue at a legal level, and possibly a cultural and assimilation issue as well12. Although the accusations of eating dogs and cats have led to some great pranks16, it seems these stories lack solid evidence17. Most of the testimony over problems with Haitians comes directly from Springfield residents, speaking directly to their city council18.

Springfield, Ohio, is likely not a direct dumping ground specifically for these immigrants. It’s simply a case where if some immigrants are able to find work in a low-cost area, they’ll tell others. For example, there is a very large Haitian community outside of Boise, Idaho17, that hasn’t made national news.

The real issue that is being overshadowed by the ridiculous story of cats and dogs is that many of these low-skilled immigrants are getting significant government benefits, inflating housing costs for Americans in the communities they’re moving into13. Employers prefer these Haitian workers19, driving more of them to move to these areas and exacerbate the problem.

I’ve been on a tram in Melbourne, Australia, listening to a drunk bogan rant about how his government was giving all the curries (an Australian racial slur for East Indians) $10,000 to move to his country. Funny, as an American, I paid the Australian government over $300 to get a work visa, and well over $1000 to get an essential skills visa for New Zealand.

Migrants in Brunswick, Maine, are getting their rent and utilities paid for in fully furnished apartments for over two years2021. There is no reason the American government should be subsidizing unskilled immigrants from other countries until our own unemployment numbers return to reasonable levels. The current situation simply increases animosity between long-term residents of small towns and the influx of people moving into their communities.

The AI generated dog and cat memes may drive certain senators to unhinged rants12, but they’re a distraction from the real issue. No one is paying attention to the fact that Donald Trump has advocated for more legal immigration, claiming that America will need more people for farm labor and to combat job loss from AI2223.

The Election

The American 2020 elections were rife with abnormalities and outright fraud. Since the elections, we’ve learned of a massive ballot stuffing campaign, with evidence taken from cellphone tracking and ballot drop-box security cameras24. I personally received ballots and signature slips for people who no longer lived in my apartment and could have voted multiple times if I actually believed in voting.

I was really hoping Donald Trump would lean into a campaign slogan along the lines of, “We won twice. We can win a third time!” Up until the staged assassination attempt, I was hoping Trump would win, if only to free the political prisoners from January 6th, and to correct the wrongs of the stolen election.

I have no idea who will win the upcoming elections, but I don’t think the vote truly matters in the selection process. The CIA and bankers will install whoever they favor, but make no mistake: it is an installation. It’s never really been an election.

“…one of the major criticisms from Democrats of … MAGA people is that they’re a cult … you’re just blindly following Donald Trump no matter what he does, and there is at least a kernel of Truth to that … I’ve certainly found myself on the other end of some angry Trump supporters when I’ve criticized Donald Trump for something I don’t think he did a good job in. And they do defend him with a blind loyalty .. that is off-putting to me. However, I must say I find the cult of the Democrats to be like a thousand times creepier. There’s something so much creepier to me about worshiping a machine over worshiping an individual … the way that they’re able to … pull Joe Biden out and put Camilla Harris in … [say] what you will about the Trump supporters, try pulling him out and putting someone else in they’d be like, ‘Nope we liked that guy we don’t like this next guy’ …“ -Dave Smith25

The Reality

Donald Trump is not a racist or fascist, but neither is he a savior or emperor blessed by God. My biggest hope after the 2016 election was that I would see people on the left upset about wars once again, excusing Obama’s predator drone strikes and calls for war in Syria for years. Instead, I watched progressives enter a media-induced rage, and opposing basic liberal principles simply because they felt they had to resist the Bad Orange Man at all costs.

Donald Trump had the opportunity to pardon everyone on January 6th before leaving office. Maybe he didn’t anticipate their prosecution. Obama’s administration relentlessly prosecuted Private Manning under the Espionage Act for leaking military documents to WikiLeaks26. Manning was later pardoned by Obama and then cried a tearful thank you to the president in a heartfelt interview27, thanking the man whose administration was responsible for petitioning for Manning’s prison sentence. Will Trump’s supporters cry tears of thanks if he pardons the supporters he left to be incarcerated in inhumane conditions?

Have Trump supporters forgotten his challenges to the Second Amendment? Trump supported “Red Flag” laws that could have impacted legal gun ownership28. He banned “Bump Stocks” by using administrative action to redefine machine guns29, an action that was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court years after his term30.

“…I think we all sense it’s getting really crazy … our government … is really … amping up our uncomfortable perspective … they’re turning up the temperature, and that is because more people than I’ve ever seen in my life are entertaining these thoughts. Maybe our vote doesn’t translate? Maybe these vaccines are killing people? Maybe Israel is murdering people in Palestine? And that’s really crazy to see … five years ago … this didn’t even exist …“ -Ryan Christian31

Final Thoughts

For a short amount of time, at the end of 2020, I thought that Trump would be better than the alternative. The world was in a panic due to a disease of the mind. Although I couldn’t bring myself to vote, I lent myself as a warm body to attend his second-to-last rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I listened as the Orange Man wasted too much time berating the microphone technician32. All around me, I looked at the faces of people attending, many I’m sure, drove up from Chicago or down from Milwaukee. The looks on many of their faces gave me an impression of, “Well … I guess this is the guy.”

  • I think that if Trump wins this fall, it’s because he’s been selected by the banks, intelligence agencies and pharmaceutical companies that truly run this country. I think his supporters, rallying around his cult of personality, will support measures that strip Americans of liberty in order to right the wrongs of previous injustices.
  • It’s likely Trump will push for voter ID laws nationally, going beyond plastic IDs and pushing for biometrics. His supporters will back the government’s collection of their biological data under the excuse of preventing voter fraud and illegal immigration.
  • Although Trump promised Vivek Ramaswamy he would never allow Central Bank Digital Currencies33 (CBDCs), I think he’ll push digital currencies and tokens backed by major banks. The cryptobros will embrace such currency because it will be advertised as being from the private sector. His supporters will claim these are somehow better than CBDCs and more libertarian in their implementation, allowing major private entities to monitor all private transactions.

Resisting Trump, the rallying cry of the left in 2016, was a brain-dead ideology. Resisting a single man because he is painted as the reincarnation of Hitler is a way to keep people from carefully looking critically at each individual issue. It has led many to embrace or oppose political arguments, not based on how those policies would affect Americans, but purely on what they’re told to believe about those policies by the fake-left and the fake-right. I do not know what the next four years will bring, but it will assuredly bring another economic crisis. The only way our individual cities, towns and communities survive is if we embrace and support each other as fellow Americans, fighting against the top town governance that is eroding the lives and individual liberties with its never-ending mudslide of corruption.

  1. Hillary: The Movie. 2008. Petterson. (documentary) 

  2. Clintoned. 18 August 2016. vdudady. Retrieved 26 September 2024. 

  3. Protesters rally against TPPA. 11 July 2014. Newshub. 

  4. Thousands of NZers rally against TPPA. 8 November 2014. RNZ. 

  5. Brian Williams refers to this Pentagon video of missiles going to kill people as “beautiful” 3 times in 30 seconds. 7 April 2017. @trevortimm. 

  6. Brian Williams is ‘guided by the beauty of our weapons’ in Syria strikes. 7 April 2017. Hawkins. Washington Post. Archive

  7. WAR MODE Ep. 161 - Madame Webb Feb. 8, 2024. 8 Feb 2024. Radio DAWGZ. 

  8. Demanding Low-Wage Workers Be Fired for Online Postings. 19 July 2024. Glenn Greenwald. 

  9. Rant: Right or Left, Cancel Culture Is Just Wrong. Period. The End.. 17 July 2024. Truthstream Media. 

  10. The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix). 13 September 2024. The Kiffness. 

  11. BODYCAM - Ohio woman arrested for eating a cat. 11 September 2024. WKYC Channel 3. 

  12. Liberals FREAK OUT Over Cat Meme. What Is The Truth Behind the Memes?. 13 September 2024. Matt Walsh.  2 3

  13. Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by “Cat-Eating” Haitians. 11 September 2024. Tyler Oliveira.  2

  14. The Cat Eaters of Ohio. 14 September. Rufo. Rubberts. Christopher Rufo. 

  15. VIDEO PROOF That Migrants GRILLED CATS In Ohio, Democrats REFUSE To Accept PROOF Trump WAS RIGHT. 16 September 2024. Timcast. 

  16. 🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Nell Boys opened up a fake food truck that sells cats and dogs and recorded the customers reactions.o. 30 Sep 2024. @dom_lucre. 

  17. Dan Cohen & Kim Ives Interview – Haiti’s Long History Of Western Destabilization & Dehumanization. 18 September 2024. Cristián. The Last American Vagabond.  2

  18. City Commission Meeting, Aug. 27, 2024. 27 August 2024. City of Springfield, Ohio. 

  19. Ohio city with Haitian migrant influx thrust into political spotlight. 9 September 2024. PBS NewsHour. 

  20. 🚨 NEW: Migrants in Brunswick, Maine, are living rent-free in brand-new, fully furnished luxury apartments for up to two years.. 4 October 2024. @FrontlinesTPUSA 

  21. Migrants Get Up to Two Years Free Rent for New Apartments. 12 January 2024. Stanton. Newsweek. 

  22. Trump supports legal migration: “We’re going to let a lot of people come in, because we need more people, especially with AI coming and all the different things. And the farmers need, everybody needs but we’re going to make sure they’re not murderers and drug dealers…”. 15 August 2024. The American Conservative. @amconmag. 

  23. Trump Calls for Increased Immigration: ‘We Need More People, Especially With A.I. Coming’. 16 August 2024. Menahan. Information Liberation. 

  24. 2000 Mules. 2022. D’Souza. (Documentary) 

  25. “These Corrupt Elites Will Collapse America” - Trump vs Kamala Election Will Get Crazy - Dave Smith. 17 September 2024. Impact Theory (1h:19m:33s) 

  26. Why the Prosecution of Chelsea Manning Was Unconstitutional. 19 May 2016. Ladin. Bhandari. ACLU. 

  27. Exclusive Interview with Chelsea Manning. 9 June 2024. ABC News. 

  28. Trump Backs ‘Red Flag’ Laws That Could Impact Veteran Gun Ownership. 5 August 2019. Sisk. 

  29. Trump’s Bump Stock Ban is Anti - #2A and Unconstitutional. 11 October 2018. Firearms Policy Coalition. 

  30. 22-976 Garland v Cargill. 14 June 2024. Supreme Court of the United States. 

  31. #259 - Ryan Christian - The Last American Vagabond - Question Everything - Independent Media Alliance. 28 September 2024. Grimerica Outlawed. Mirror (18m:40s) 

  32. 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Kenosha, WI 11/2/20. 2 November 2020. Right Side Broadcasting Network. 

  33. Trump ‘will never allow’ CBDC, gives ‘full credit’ to Vivek Ramaswamy. 23 January 2024. Attlee. Cointelegraph.